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Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

New prestige levels coming to XBox / PS3

The PC community was shocked yesterday when they realized that a number of new prestige levels had been added to MW3. For the moment, four hundred new ranks and five new prestige levels have been added to the game on PC.

Speaking on Twitter, the Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling announced that it was indeed official and that the new prestige levels would also be added to the XBox 360 and the PS3 in the upcoming future. Bowling Tweeted: 
Added 400 new ranks of 5 new Prestige levels in Modern Warfare 3 on PC in latest patch. Expect the same on consoles soon for everyone! #MW3

While have some have welcomed the new levels, others have complained about the fact that they will have to continue to grind their way through five more prestiges in order to reach the top prestige level. The new icons for these can be seen below:

New prestige level icons

Many believe that these were added because of the fact that clan operations have not been implemented yet via COD Elite. Apparently, these clan operations rely on the fact that you are leveling up in rank.

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